Thursday, July 23, 2009

youth is not wasted on the young...

there have been many positive things to emerge from milwaukee's skylight mess. here's one of them: this sunday, july 26th, from 10-11:30 am, an enourmous group of college and high school age actors, singers, dancers and artists will converge in the third ward's catalano square.

if you're young, you wanna be there. i'm, of course, back in new york city, and it would be difficult to get a flight, and driving, well, i'd never make it in time, and gas is so expensive...(shut. up. you.)

For a month now we have watched and listened as our mentors and role models have bravely stood for their personal values and artistic principles. Their example has inspired us. We share their regard for the arts community in Milwaukee. A community which has fired in us a love of the work, a passion to improve, and an impulse to raise our voices for good. A community in which the talented professionals who are our teachers have truly cared about what we think and feel.

This kind of an environment doesn’t just happen. And it could easily be lost.

It is time for us to take our part in the positive dialogue underway about the future of our arts community. This is not about tearing down. It’s about building up.

What kind of a community do we want to grow into and grow up in? How can we learn about facilitating good business, budget, artistic vision, and the message too? What can we do now to help? How can we find our own voice?

Please join us for a “meet and greet” and a discussion of all the above and more at Catalano Square near the BTC this Sunday, July 26, 10:00 - 11:30 am. (Catalano Square just seems to be the easiest place for us to meet). The idea is to start a forum for new artists and art lovers to share our thoughts, stay updated on events, and join together for positive action. And invite all your friends!

--Elyse Edelman and Ryan Stajmiger


  1. This sounds like an excellent chance for some young videographers to shoot some meaningful footage and get it on Youtube. Local media is ignoring the subject. It is time to do an end run and show them what they have been missing. I plan to be there.

  2. Elyse and Ryan, you are FABULOUS.

  3. Are you kidding me? Local media is ignoring the subject??? I'm guessing that Mr. Dillner and Ms. Hefty have friends in the local media...

  4. Kudos to the kids!!!!
    Yes, the Shepherd Express, once a beacon of independence and fair journalism in our fair city, has chosen to turn a blind eye to our debacle.

  5. How inspiring to see the next generation be so proactive. Good for you! BRAVO!

  6. As a fellow youth actor, I firmly support Elyse and Ryan's message and the movement they're spear-heading, and I wonder...what will Dillner's response to the young actors' dissention be?

  7. Go Elyse and Ryan!

  8. MR. COLIN CABOT WILL BE AT OUR MEETING SUNDAY TO TALK TO US! There certainly seems to be a parallel between what he did early in his career and what we are trying to do now. I can’t wait for him to share his thoughts on how the younger generation can stay active in building this arts community.

  9. I can't wait, I'll be there!


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