Friday, July 31, 2009

the secrets of tkts

how do i get good, cheap, last-minute tickets to a broadway show? most folks already know the answer: the tkts booth. people have been standing in line outside a canvas covered trailer in new york's duffy square since 1973, squeezing wads of cash and hoping for half-pricers to "cats," "phantom" or "les miz." now that the booth has been stunningly redesigned (and takes credit cards) victoria bailey, executive director of the theater development fund, has given the new york times some tips about workin' the booth for those cheap seats.


  1. Shhh! Quit telling people about the (financially) cheap seats that aren't (physically) cheap seats! Jeez!

  2. The only drawback of the new structure? A small, designed gap between the pavement and the building by the teller windows that things like ticekts, cash and credit cards can slip into if dropped. And disappear forever. So, clutch your things tightly!

    It's a gorgeous structure, though.

  3. Look at you showing the love to TDF and TKTS! Thanks Tony!! :)


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