Thursday, July 23, 2009

kaplan quits: "the do not use list"

groucho, harpo, and now chico. the marx brothers walk. mark kaplan joins his "brothers" in turning down the skylight:
To: Mr. Eric Dillner, Managing Director, The Skylight
From: Mark David Kaplan, actor, currently under verbal agreement to appear as Chico Marx in A Day in Hollywood/A Night in the Ukraine, as a part of Skylight's 50th Anniversary Season

Dear Mr. Dillner -

I write to you today, under the assumption that I am still on the slate of artists hired by Mr. Bill Theisen, to perform as Chico Marx in Hollywood/Ukraine. I have not as yet received any correspondence - written or verbal - from the current Skylight administration.

As there is no longer an artistic staff in place for this production, and my brothers have decided to move on, so must I.

I know that many in town don't know who I am - and I know that you and I have never met.

So here's my Skylight history:

My last appearance was as .... Chico Marx in Animal Crackers in the '05-'06 season, with Norman Moses and Ray Jivoff. I have appeared as a part of the Cabaret series in '98...
In the Jefferson St space: I was in Dames at Sea with Norman Moses and Into the Woods with Ray Jivoff ('92-'93). And my first role .... Chico Marx in The Cocoanuts, with Norman Moses and Ray Jivoff.

Clearly there is a trend here - it's about community, brotherhood, and frankly - the love of the game. It seems like those elements are not in place now, therefore my decision to withdraw seems only logical.

If you feel so inclined I would welcome a discussion with you. I know your energies are elsewhere at present.

I don't pretend to understand the decisions made in these past months, nor do I profess to know what's best for all involved. I only know the best decision for me is to join with my friends on the 'DO NOT USE' list, and support the amazing history and community that I am so proud to be a part of - and has informed my life and work for the better part of two decades!!


So I think I'm gonna celebrate that...

Most sincerely yours,

Mark David Kaplan


  1. I remember you, Mark david! So many great performances. Bravo! And wow!

  2. Mark David, I have had the ENORMOUS pleasure of sharing a stage with you, for which you have my eternal adoration, and this just sent you into the realm of the gods...

  3. Somehow, someway, eventually we will celebrate.

  4. You are remembered...then and now! Thanks for standing with your actor family.


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