Thursday, April 23, 2009

f-fwd idol: back to chapel hill

the results show. paula choreographs the big disco medley, probably the closest they will come to actually working in the industry. and....swing choir.

lil' goes home.
as it should be. randy's advice for lil: this is just the beginning. just the beginning. this is just the beginning. randy striving to prove the point that when you don't have anything else to say, say the same thing over and over again.

okay, who cancelled at the last minute that they had to get freda payne? was this paula abdul's idea, to get someone on stage who looks worse than she does? now thelma houston. wow. that yellow dress, and she's getting so close to the front row, and shaking her binniss all over 'em. it's like "hey kids! this what a 65 year old cootch look like, okay?!! you should be so g-d lucky when you my age!" ohgod: kc. he was a scary freak-lookin' human back in the day, and now it's like watching monty davis sing disco, god rest his soul. (for those of you not from milwaukee, insert truman capote.)

i have to say i'm really, really sad that the disco medley is over. i was so hoping to see alicia bridges.

more results: adam looks a little puffy, no? puffy, but safe. kris is safe, danny is safe, anoop is "whoops i crapped my pants."

matt. the mole is trying to answer peecrust's question. allison is in the bottom three, but anoop is going home. i know this because i read someone's twitter post revealing that info before i watched the show tonight. nice.

david archeletta looks awkward and sounds nervous, like many of my dates in high school. who wrote this song, his dad? look, there's susan dey playing keyboards.

anoop is gonna cry. he sounds better than he did last night too. "i'm so disappointed" he says, "but now i get to go back to chapel hill."

yes, anoop. yes you do.

1 comment:

  1. OMG does that make me smile(the monty line;)


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