Friday, August 14, 2009

reports from catalano square

this morning's milwaukee arts advocacy breakfast, a weekly meeting which began in catalano square and has since moved to the skylight bar, included skylight opera theatre board members laura emory, jude werra, and susan godfrey. vince shiely and howard miller couldn't attend, but sent snacks for the crowd – bagels and cream cheese from shiely; muffins from miller. jonathan west (artsyschmartsy) brought donuts for "the youth of america," and colin cabot gave a guided tour of the broadway theatre center after the meeting.

this is progress.

UPDATE 10:20 p.m. – commenter alissa adds this:
Also in attendance today: board member Tessa Bartels (V.P. of Artist Relations) and past board member Lili Friedman (with whom many Tuesdays commenters have engaged in dialogue).

Tessa bent over backwards to adjust her work schedule and join us these past couple weeks. Board member Byron Foster, though currently on vacation, also joined us thrice in the park.

Some real communication is transpiring. Authentic dialogue and good will all around.


  1. Also in attendance today: board member Tessa Bartels (V.P. of Artist Relations) and past board member Lili Friedman (with whom many Tuesdays commenters have engaged in dialogue).

    Tessa bent over backwards to adjust her work schedule and join us these past couple weeks. Board member Byron Foster, though currently on vacation, also joined us thrice in the park.

    Some real communication is transpiring. Authentic dialogue and good will all around.

  2. I wonder how many Milwaukee theatres that haven't gone through Skylight's turmoil would have conversations like that. Having worked pretty regularly at First Stage, I can't say I knew any board members. (Maybe I did but without knowing they were on the board?) We met staff during meet and greets, but those were brief and rather like a middle school dance - everyone stayed in their silos.

    Maybe it's something other theatres and arts groups should consider.


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