Monday, August 31, 2009

come on-a my house, a-my house...

who could pass up a free variety show hosted by skylight ringmaster colin cabot? maybe he'll pull ray jivoff out of a hat, while you help make the company's debt disappear.

tuesday afternoon, september 1st, beginning at 5 pm the skylight opera theatre is throwing open it's doors for a huge celebration and the entire milwaukee community is invited. the whole event is free, and they're gonna put on one heck of a show. er...shows.

anyway, here's the official rundown:

Come one, come all for a FREE celebration of the Skylight Opera Theatre's rich 50-year history!

Whether you've been a Skylight patron since 1959 or if you've never even seen a show, this open house and concert will welcome you into the Skylight community – illustrating just how special this theatrical gem really is.

The event will include an intimate glimpse behind the scenes of the Skylight with backstage tours and costume, set and prop displays; a concert in Catalano Square with Skylight favorites singing big Broadway musical numbers, torchy jazz hits, arias - a taste of the variety of music theatre we perform on the Skylight mainstage; and a special performance featuring the magic of David Seebach and our own Colin Cabot and Norman Moses.
5-7:00 pm – Open house with backstage tours, exclusive access to Skylight memorbilia, and displays of props, costumes, and scenery

6:30-9 pm – Benefit concert in Catalano Square (corner of Menomonee and Broadway) with contributed performances by Skylight artists including a 50th Anniversary Season Preview

9-10:30 pm – Variety show hosted by Skylight favorite Colin Cabot
can't make it to the shindig tomorrow? you can still help the performers raise dough by contributing here.


  1. If Jivoff dresses like that tomorrow, I'll donate.

  2. OY
    Gord, they SOLD my Chrysler bldg dress, but I'll see what I can throw together!

  3. THE BAR will be OPEN!

    And you can have your picture taken with Audrey 2!

  4. I ain't singing, but you know how I love to heckle that Ray Jivoff!


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