Thursday, April 1, 2010

who knew?

the grinch actually has a heart.
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly will pick up the legal tab of the father of a fallen U.S. Marine after a judge ruled that he must pay the court costs incurred by the members of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church, whom he sued for protesting his son's funeral.

This particular church is infamous for protesting the funerals of U.S. servicemen with signs saying that God killed the soldiers because of homosexuality in America, among other things.

O'Reilly called the legal fees an "outrage":

"I will pay Mr. Snyder's obligation. I am not going to let this injustice stand."

1 comment:

  1. i knew, but that's because i watch him more than others (couple times a week, bits and pieces - he interrupts too much and the drives me chris matthews).


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