Tuesday, September 1, 2009

moonlight in vermont

i took a moment away from watching internet porn, singing songs from broadway musicals, redecorating my apartment and checking my point balance on imadethemgay.com to celebrate the fact that these two gals got legally married in vermont last night at the stroke of midnight. and yes, i said stroke. congratulations to claire and cori. and congratulations to vermont.


  1. What a beautiful picture! The love in that photo made me get a little teary.

  2. Ahahahahaha - I just moused over the imadethemgay.com URL and saw what it was really pointing to. Was that for yours truly? ;-)

  3. internet porn, singing songs from broadway musicals, redecorating your apartment and checking your point balance....with all that how do you find the time to keep a blog so up to date and so cool.

    The always amazing Tony.


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