Thursday, June 18, 2009

skylight board's "lack of respect"?

from an anonymous commenter:
In business, when cuts must come, you start with the non-essential personnel: what can you lose and not effect your product.

But Skylight first cuts the Artistic Director - showing a lack of respect for the Artistic product, then the Company Manager - showing a lack of respect for the artists, and finally the Box Office Management - showing a lack of respect for the audience.

Then this lack of respect is announced to the press in an e-mail.

Should there not have been a press release by the complete board backing the MAJOR change? No, an e-mail from the desk of the person who is to assume the position of CEO.

And now the board wonders why people are up in arms? Really?
rumor of an emergency board meeting at the skylight on thursday was preceded wednesday night by a letter of response to the ongoing situation, posted on the skylight website as being the "Board Response to Organizational Restructuring," although the letter was signed only by the board president, suzanne hefty, not the entire board.

was the decision to make these cuts cleared by the entire skylight board, one wonders? or only by a committee? if so, did that committee actually have the power to eliminate these positions without full board approval?

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone know anything about this meeting? Time or place?


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