Friday, June 6, 2008

barry's emmy, part VII: "i want an emmy"

sometimes, when the stakes are really high, there's just no other way to express yourself. and i'm not talking about breaking into shakespearean verse.

p.s. this is episode seven. think you've missed an episode here or there? click on the logo above and ketchup. catsup. catch up.


  1. I'm in Washington DC (alone) and I finally got to use the public computer at the hotel. And the first thing I did was catch up on the Barry's Emmy saga! Okay, it was like the third thing I did... but I love this one! I love this one the best!!!! Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.

    Lisa Marie

  2. I love laughing aloud at the puter!

    I found you today and I'm in love~ :-)
    enjoying your blog.

    You are so so funny and wonderful.
    From a very proud Pflag Mom and fellow frog saver in Wisconsin.


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