Sunday, February 24, 2008

four hundred and twenty-eight words

two weeks ago it took msnbc's david schuster 192 words to get to the two he was supposedly trying saying: i'm sorry. today, remarkably (or, maybe not) it took ralph nader 428 to get to these seven: I have decided to run for president.

i have one word for mr. nader: zzzzzzzzzz....
UPDATE 2/25/08 -- at the risk of using too many words myself, i felt the need to expound on this post a bit. first of all, i actually counted shuster's words myself. nader's...not so much. and different word count engines give different results. 428 was actually the lowest i found, using microsoft word.

secondly, nader's 435-word example of political hot air (the 428 i didn't bother to count and the seven i did) was in response to a fairly straightforward question, posed by tim russert on meet the press sunday morning: will you run for president as an independent in 2008? (a whopping ten.) i'm not sure about you, but i long for the politician who can hear a question, give the yes or no answer, and THEN give an explaination (if necessary.)
(and as with most posts, you can click on the graphic above to view a larger version.)

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