Saturday, January 26, 2008

i can't restrain myself

a friend forwarded this email to me from his 84-year-old grandmother in akron, oh -- sent to her family in response to one daughter's support of hillary clinton. with my friend's (and his grandmother's) permission, i'm posting it. the daughter's name has been changed.

Will all you Republicans please ignore this message?

It's in response to (an email) from Denise to just me, in support of the candidacy of Senator Hillary Clinton, so I really should respond to just her but I feel so strongly in favor of Barack Obama, I can't restrain myself.

The (New York Times) endorsement of Hillary was a little bit like the endorsement the Akron Beacon Journal gave to Judge Quinn, where they had almost more good to say about Denise and yet endorsed Judge Quinn (a most disastrous endorsement.)

Obama has shown in the short time he was in the Illinois legislature his ability to provide leadership, vision, and true bi-partisanship. His whole life has shown how he would govern. For example, he is pro-choice on the abortion issue. However, when he was on the campaign trail in Illinois, there were some pro-lifers picketing his speech. He stopped to talk with them, in support of their right to picket, (and) suggested there was some reasonable solution to the conflict.

The (Times endorsement) agrees that there is no real gulf between the policies of (Clinton and Obama). And as for knowledge and intellect, they are both brilliant. On the experience side, I give Hillary no edge because much of it has been spurious. She may be able to point to some pieces of legislation she has worked with Republicans on, but she's been fighting them viciously all along.

"It is right now we need someone the caliber of Obama. He shouldn't have to wait his turn."

And the (Times) admits that our country faces huge problems that we can't even foresee (but) my thought is that experience will be of no help, it is character that will count. And I'll take Obama's character over Hillary's any day.

On the character side, the (Times) mentioned the fact that it is not appropriate to make a decision on the basis of wanting to elect the first woman or the first Black and I quote: "The times that false choice has been raised, more often by Mrs. Clinton, have tarnished the campaign." I surely hope Obama is not tempted to stoop to the level of the vicious attacks of Bill on his candidacy. "His story is a fairy tale." Indeed.

And one other card the Times is playing: "She is the one qualified, RIGHT NOW." It is right now we need someone of the caliber of Obama. He shouldn't have to wait his turn.

And, Republicans, again shut your ears--and eyes--because I know you are horrified at the thought, but along with Denise, I will vote for any Democrat nominated--although I will have to hold my nose if it is Edwards.
UPDATE 1/29 -- reader nycvoter responds:
"(Obama) doesn't have to wait his turn...he needs to get more experience...the author may dismiss HRC's experience, but a lot of us supporting her do not."
nycvoter's full response in the comments section.


  1. Well I can't restrain myself either! It takes some time to take intellect and match it with hands on experince to make change happen. He doesn't have to wait his turn like we have a line up to get to the Presidency, he needs to get more experience. Whoever is the author, may dismiss HRC's experience, but a lot of us supporting her do not. From traveling around the world as informed, active first lady and doing real work (not having tea) to learning and being engaged with military through her commitee work as Senator, to leadership in adoption and foster care issues as a young lawyer, to her healthcare (failure) but SCHIP success. This takes something and should be respected. I respect Obama, but DEMOCRATS who diminish the Clintons show little respect to leaders who have worked hard for this country and the causes we all profess to care about. While his supporters like the idea of Obama wanting to work with Republicans the same supporters disparage the Clintons for compromises they made because they had to work with Republicans, so while you can't restrain yourself, I can't either. It's not that it's Hillary Cliton's turn, its that she has the experience and determination and intellect and inspirational qualities that tell me she should be our next President

  2. Nor can I restrain myself either. There are glaring ommissions from the author of this adoration of Obama. Does Rezko ring a bell? How about race baiting, negative advertising, voter intimidation and airing ads in Florida after signing a pledge not to? Or touting superior judgement about being against Iraq when he couldn't even vote on it and then later saying he did not know how he would have voted, agreed with Bush's stance on the war and had voted for funding all along?

    Hillary Clinton has worked tirelessly for 35 years for womens rights, childrens health care and many other things. What has Obama done besides preach about hope?? Inspiration does not put food on my table or help me pay my bills. It is a thin resume to base support on because Obama gives a good speech which is written by someone else then put on a teleprompter for him to read or because he stopped to talk to pro lifers at a protest. I say to that-Hillary worked with skunk Tom Delay so she could get an adoption bill passed. She has also worked with other Republicans of less than good character and integrity for the sake of doing what was best for voters. I didn't see any examples of what is specifically Hillary Clinton has done that is so bad. And President Bill Clinton-dont' even get me started on what he did for this country. So you go ahead and live in your little bubble about how inspiration is better than experience-IT ISN'T. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND??


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